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It is expected that candidates will grow professionally during student teaching. The evidence of candidates’ professional growth during student teaching will be reflected in the successful completion of the edTPA portfolio.

Image RemovedAssessment Rubric: 

Standard Alignment

Level 4: Highly Exceeds Expectation “Stellar”: Artifacts are clearly aligned with standard one and identified subparts. Reflective writing provides multiple examples accurately linking artifacts and standard one.

Level 3: Meets Expectations “Solid”: Artifacts are aligned with standard one and identified subparts. Reflective writing provides at least one example accurately linking artifacts and standard one.

Level 2: Meets Minimal Expectations “Developing": Artifacts are overall aligned with standard one and identified subparts. Reflective writing does not link artifact and standard or does not clearly explain the connection.

Level 1: Not Meeting Minimum Expectations “Needs Improvement": Artifacts are not aligned with standard one and identified subparts.


Depth of Reflection

Reflective writing demonstrates an in-depth and thorough understanding of standard one and personalization of the theories, concepts, and/or strategies in the subject matter with evidences supported by artifacts.

Reflective writing demonstrates a thoughtful understanding of standard one and makes connections to theories, concepts, and/or strategies in the subject matter.

Reflective writing demonstrates a basic understanding of standard one and attempts to make connection to theories, concepts, and or strategies in subject matter: connections may be vague or inaccurate.

Writing demonstrates limited or no understanding of standard one.