- Fundraising is an option on the Trip form within the UNW Travel App.
- Trip leader to create an appeal card for their trip. Appeal card sample: https://unweagles.sharepoint.com/:i:/s/ERT/travel/EcoUkLdybf1Ao67nmVr9TzwBaSJ53i--uDUoEu_-TYvTjw?e=E1cITM
- Card needs to be approved by the Gift Receipting Manager to insure they are:
- Payment card industry (PCI) compliant
- Family educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) compliant
- Required information for entry into Banner. (Sample available)
- Card needs to be approved by the Gift Receipting Manager to insure they are:
- Trip leader to create the labels for the appeal cards. Labels need to be approved by the Gift Receipting Manager.
- All trips will have Campaign, Solicitation, Designation, Gift Class and the student ID (encoded for FERPA) so we can track giving by appeal.
- If funds are non-deductible we will be using a CN (College Non-Tax) gift type.
- It would be nice to have Dymo label for people to use maybe for Mary Hawley
- It would be nice to have Dymo label for people to use maybe for Mary Hawley
- Trip Leader creates a fundraising letter template for either:
- For Pooled Concept - Letters should explain pooled concept and not lead donors to believe they are funding one particular individual.
- For Individual Concept – Letters should explain the non-deductibility of the gifts.