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Students may be given access to an iPAD during clinical for the purpose of retrieving clinical reference materials. The iPADs are the property of the University/School of Nursing. Students may be allowed to check out iPADs from the School of Nursing prior to clinical and return them typically at the close of the clinical day to allow multiple students to benefit from this technology. The iPADs provided for student use are not web-enabled. Personal data is NOT to be stored on the iPAD. If there are technical problems with an iPAD or repair is necessary, the device should be returned to the School of Nursing. Loss or destruction of an iPAD belonging to the NLC will result in a prorated replacement charge, charged to the account of the student responsible. Updates are downloaded for each clinical reference as they become available and not less than annuallyAll simulated-based learning activities involving students and/or recordings are considered confidential. Students will be required to sign the Confidentiality, Safety Agreement, and Consent to Film form prior to participating in simulations. Discussion of scenarios or information is considered a violation of the School of Nursing clinical Policy. Students are expected to uphold the requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) and any other federal or state laws requiring confidentiality. Students should report any violations to the NLC Technology Director or faculty/instructors. The simulation laboratory should be treated as a clinical site. Learners are expected to show professionalism and treat the manikin and situation as if in a real clinical setting. |