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License term: 8/15/2019 2020 - 8/14/20202021 Seats: 1 This is an engineering visualization software. Learn More |
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Current: Gilles Eggenspieler Past: Allison Kennealey |
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Contract request was sent for approval on 8/14/2018 |
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Payment type: PO & Invoice PO Contact: Paula Melendy |
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Server: Port: 7790 License Key: slim8.key Instructions: Server For floating licenses, if you are using EnSight 10.1 or older, please place the slim8.key file in the subdirectory $CEI_HOME/license8/ for each computer that will run either EnSight or slimd. Note that the environment variable CEI_HOME must be defined for the licensing software to work. With EnSight 10.2 and the latest version of slimd8 you do not need to set CEI_HOME. The 'bin/' scripts figure it all out. Simply put '..../CEI/bin/' or '.....\CEI\bin' in your PATH or type out the entire pathname. Additionally, if you have a floating license, you will need to start the license manager service before starting EnSight. If you are on a Linux machine, simply run the command "slimd8_start" as root. On a Windows machine, go to C:\Program Files (x86)\CEI\license8\machines\win64, right-click on "slimd8_install.exe" -> Run as administrator. Then, go into the Windows Services (Start menu -> Services), find the "slimd8_service", right click on it and Start it. In its properties, set its Startup Type to be Automatic. Instructions: Client If you haven't already, you can download the software from the ANSYS Customer Portal: https://support.ansys.com/portal/site/AnsysCustomerPortal Place the slim8.key file in the subdirectory CEI/license8/ for each computer that will run either EnSight or slimd. For assistance with the installation, please contact the customer support via the ANSYS customer portal: https://support.ansys.com/portal/site/AnsysCustomerPortal |