As we anticipate fall semester 2021, we recognize that some students may be impacted by COVID-19, requiring isolation or quarantine. Utilizing lecture capture throughout our last academic year enabled us to support students in ways that would have been impossible otherwise. This fall, we will be taking an additional step to support our students academically by providing class recordings if a student is unable to attend class due to a pre-approved University-sponsored event. We want to encourage students to participate and engage in university-sponsored activities, and they can now do so knowing their academic experience will be more fully supported. These new Lecture Capture guidelines were carefully developed with input from faculty, students, staff, department chairs/assistant deans, faculty senate, ACT, and P6 before going to SLT for final approval. The guidelines also guidelines also contain several examples of when using lecture capture is recommended for our students. More information about using lecture capture and utilizing supports to be provided will be shared as we approach the beginning of the semester.