Information on food.
Menu & Dining Hours
Add Funds/Check Balance/Plan Use
The assigned meal plans may or may not supply a student with enough dining funds for the entire semester. Students who are on a meal plan may add dining funds at any time during the semester in increments of $100. These funds will carry all of the same properties as the student's original dining funds and will be billed to their Student Account.
Plan Brochure
Click the link below to view the latest meal plan information.
Click the link below to access your dining funds balance, see recent transactions, and to add funds to your account.
Pre-order your food for a quick, contactless pick-up. Download the app using the QRL below.
Place your order. Choose a time. Pick up at the following locations:
The Main cafe - The hot box next to the microwave in the Lakeside dining room
The Heritage Cafe - regular pick-up area- cups will be marked with the printed receipt
The Eagles Nest - Area marked on kitchen counter
Questions in any location? - please see a cashier
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