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Response protocols are currently in development and research is being done regarding what other universities doIn the event of a lab incident please follow the below instructions based upon incident type and level. The same instructions are posted by the phone in each lab and basic first aid kits are provide on each lab's safety shelf. As soon as possible after its occurrence, log the incident on the incident form. Currently, incident forms are fixed to the side of the safety shelf in each lab; a virtual format of this form is in process.


Level 1: Minor Personal Injury

  1. Bandage with lab first aid kit or visit/call Health Services
  2. Note on the lab incident sheet
  3. Email Rachel

Level 2: Major Personal Injury - Requires some medical attention

  1. Call Health Services
  2. Call Rachel
  3. Someone note on the lab incident sheet

Level 3: Emergency - Requires off campus medical help

  1. Call 911
  2. Call Public Safety
  3. Call Health Services
  4. Call Rachel

Equipment malfunction/accident/issue

Level 1: Minor Malfunction or Issue

  1. Note on the lab incident sheet
  2. Email Rachel

Level 2: Major Accident or Issue

  1. Call Rachel

Level 3: Facility Danger

  1. Call 911
  2. Call Public Safety
  3. Call Rachel

Sample Lab Incident Form

View file
nameCurrent Naz Incident Record.docx