A tutorial is the term used to describe the way in which a student may independently take a course which is already a listed in the course catalog and is part of the curriculum of their the student’s major. In essence, a tutorial is an existing course that is being taught to one student. Courses - A course should be taught in this way as a tutorial only in extreme extenuating circumstances . It is preferred that if a student wishes to work independently, a Directed Study be proposed.
- The faculty member, department chair/assistant dean and the respective college dean must approve the request to take any course independently, as a tutorial.
- In the event that a student misses sequential courses or schedule conflicts make independent work necessary(e.g., a course is cancelled or is no longer offered, or a student has an unavoidable schedule conflict).
- If a student needs to fulfill a major requirement through an independent course of study, it is preferred that departments/schools assist students the student by providing a Directed Study directed study meeting the objectives of the courses course missed rather than by teaching courses independentlyarranging a tutorial.
- The faculty instructor, the department chair/assistant dean, and the college dean must approve a student’s request to register for a tutorial.