Versions Compared


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Many courses require students to take tests or quizzes in Moodle.  This article explains the process for taking a test or quiz.

Taking a test or quiz

  1. Open the test or quiz.


  1. link to quizImage Added

  2. The landing page will give you information about the quiz such as instructions, the number of allowed attempts, when it is available to complete, or the time limit.  Click Attempt quiz now to begin.


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  2. If the quiz is timed, you will be prompted with a message similar to the one below.  Be sure that you allow yourself enough time to complete a timed quiz.  Click Start attempt to begin.


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  2. The Quiz Navigation block helps you keep track of your time and which questions you have answered.

    1.  For example, the image below indicates that question 1 has been answered, you are currently on question 2, and questions 3 and 4 have not been answered.   

    2. The count-down timer indicates that there is about 5 minutes left to complete this quiz.  

    3. When all questions have been answered, you can click Finish attempt to submit the quiz.


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      *Instructors can set up quizzes using one of two navigation modes:

      1. Free navigation mode (see above) enables students to progress through the quiz in any order, return to previous pages, or skip ahead. 

      2. Sequential navigation mode (see below) means that students must progress through the quiz in order and may not return to previous pages nor skip ahead.  Notice that the question numbers are grayed out in the navigation block, indicating that you cannot freely navigate to another question.


    1. quiz navigation block in sequential navigation modeImage Added
  1. Tests and quizzes may include various types of questions.  Examples include but are not limited to multiple choice, true/false, fill in the blank, and matching.


example of multiple choice questionImage Removed


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example of fill in the blank questionImage Removed


example of matching questionImage Removed
  1. If the quiz questions spans over multiple pages, use the navigation buttons (Previous Page and Next Page) to move between pages.


  1. After the last question, you can click Finish attempt  to submit your quiz.


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  2. Verify that you have answered all of the questions.  If you need to change an answer, click Return to attempt.  When ready, click Submit all and finish.


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  2. Confirm and click Submit all and finish.


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  2. Next, you can review your quiz, check your answers, and view feedback.  Depending on the setting for the quiz, you may be able to see which questions you answered correctly, incorrectly, or partially correct in the quiz navigation block. The image below indicates that questions 1 and 2 are correct, question 3 is incorrect, and question 4 is partially correct.  When finished, click Finish review at the bottom of the page. 


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To print this article, click on Tools on the right, and choose Export to PDF.  Open the PDF to print.


  1. finish review linkImage Added

  2. You may be able to see your grade immediately, however some questions (i.e. essay questions)  may require your instructor to grade them.  In this case, you will be notified when your grade and feedback are available. 


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Questions or Feedback

If you have any additional questions, or if you have feedback about this article, please contact Academic Technology.
