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Fall 2021 Protocols and Guidelines

This Our New Student Days have brought wonderful energy to our campus as incoming students and their families visit to learn more about services and opportunities available to them this fall. Throughout the summer, the Academic Continuity Team, Resurgence Analysis Team, and Senior Leadership team Team have been working together to prepare for the return to campus of students employees to campus this fall. There has already been wonderful energy on campus during New Student Days as new students and their families have visited campus to learn more about services and opportunities available to them this fall. Below you will found and employees in August. I remain so thankful for the diligent work of these teams as they carefully think through how best to fulfill our university's mission while considering our campus safety and operations. Below you will find several updates related to protocols and guidelines that have been developed. Please read through them carefully and contact your Department Chair/Assistant Dean if you have questions

COVID-19 Vaccines, Face Coverings, and Physical Distancing

All employees received an update from Human Resources today that provided an overview of the University's plans for COVID-19 vaccines, face coverings, and physical distancing this fall.

The Academic Continuity Team had multiple opportunities to discuss how to handle physical distancing in light of recent changes to Executive Orders by the Governor and updated guidance from the CDC and MDH. Ultimately, that group recommended to proceed with resetting classrooms to their normal, full capacity levels. The following list provides some of the main factors that contributed to this decision:

  1. The Governor’s Executive Order opening eliminating distancing and masking requirements to open up MN
  2. There has been a A softening of language from the CDC and MDH Many institution’s are opening related to protocol requirements and recommendations
  3. Plans of many institutions to open with standard distancing (e.g., dorms, dining, athletics, etc.)
  4. Throughout the community, there has been more More opening at full capacity throughout our local community with unvaccinated individuals asked to wear face coverings
  5. The Strong availability and accessibility of vaccines continues to be strong and , with vaccination rates in the state continue continuing to rise
  6. COVID-19 testing will continue continuing to be available and accessible on campus into the fall
  7. Students and faculty can continue Student ability to request accommodations or adjustments There has been consistent through Academic Achievement
  8. Faculty ability to request accommodations and flexible teaching arrangements through Human Resources
  9. Consistent feedback from faculty on challenges with hybrid teaching and learning (which would be more necessary with distancing in place)
  10. 3Three-feet distancing is not being significantly more than pre-COVID spacing in some classrooms, in some cases there is NO difference. with no difference 
  11. Faculty can 's ability to encourage students to spread ' spreading out in spaces when feasible to increase distancing when available. distancing 
  12. Understanding that if a COVID-19 surge takes place, additional protocols, such as increased distancing and face coverings, would have to shift whether we are set up for 3-feet distancing or standard distancing  

Classroom Resets

Since the decision was made to have reset classrooms reset to normal capacity, Facilities has been working diligently to bring furniture back from storage and place in classrooms. Their plan is to have all classrooms reset no later than August 1st. Thank you for your patience as this is a significant undertaking by the Facilities team!

Academic Guidelines for Fall 2021

As was I shared in my communication on June 25, the SLT approved three guiding documents created by the Academic Continuity Team, informed and shaped by faculty listening sessions, that establish academic practices and expectations for the fall. Links to the three documents are provided below.  

  • Using Lecture Capture - outlines expected and recommended circumstances when lecture capture should be used this fall
  • Utilizing Various Modalities - outlines the process for selecting and changing course modalities, student modality protocols, information to include in course syllabi, and expectations for effectively supporting remote students
  • Approval for Student Accommodations and Adjustments - outlines guidelines and criteria for how Academic Achievement will work with student requests for accommodations or adjustments

Teaching Modalities

fdPlease read these documents carefully, so you are well prepared for fall semester. Feel free to contact Cheryl Norman or Joel Johnson if you have questions about this information. If you have questions about the application of the guidelines, please contact your Department Chair/Assistant Dean. 

Future Recommendations and Updates

The Academic Continuity Team has several topics that they will be working through in upcoming weeks. A selection of those topics include:

  • Finalization of the Fall 2021 COVID-19 syllabus statement
  • Determination on classroom signage
  • Updates to the COVID-19 portlet on theROCK
  • Updates to the Faculty Guidance page on Confluence
  • A refresh of the current Academic Continuity Planning site

In addition, the Resurgence Analysis Team will be revising the current Resurgence Plan to reflect new dynamics and factors in the local and broader community.  

Upcoming Development Opportunities

Next week, you are invited to join the webinar entitled, "Learning at the Intersection of Seeing and Hearing: What VoiceThread Does That Nothing Else Can"

What is VoiceThread? VoiceThread may be one of the most under-utilized tools at Northwestern. Find out how VoiceThread can be used to enrich your student interaction.

Date: Thursday, July 22 at 11:00am 00 a.m. CT.  Register here for this event.

You can see a list of future webinars , and links to previous webinars on the Development Opportunities page. 

Feedback About Returning to Campus

If you have any comments or feedback that you'd like to share with me about returning to campus this fall, you are invited to do so through this anonymous form. I appreciate hearing your thoughts! 

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