Title IX Requirements Individuals who may have experienced harassment, discrimination, or an incident of discrimination under Title IX (sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating violence, stalking, sex discrimination, or pregnancy discrimination) during travel sponsored, organized or facilitated by UNW are encouraged to contact the Interim Title IX Coordinator, Kelly FranckBret Hyder, at 651-631628-5480 2077 or kkfranck@unwsp bmhyder@unwsp.edu to make a report or learn more about support services available on campus. Faculty/staff members are required under UNW policy to report Title IX incidents to the Title IX Coordinator to ensure compliance with federal law, and to maintain the safety of the campus community and its members during travel. For more information, please visit https://apps.unwsp.edu/form.php?form=TitleIX. Students are held to the regulations and standards set forth in the Student Handbook and other official University bulletins while traveling as a part of a University sponsored organized or facilitated experience.
Students with documented disabilities or those who are pregnant may request accommodations from the Disability Office for Support Services (DOSS). For more information, contact DOSS at 651-628-3241 or visit https://therock.unwsp.edu/web/home-community/academic-support Disability Services. Faculty and/or staff with documented disabilities or those who are pregnant are encouraged to contact Human Resources and/or DOSS for assistance.