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Academic Freedom Roundtable - September 21, 2022General Information:Time and Location
Video RecordingThere is no recording available for this forum. |
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StudentAcademicFreedomStatementof Expression at UNW - October 25, 2022General Information:PresentersDr. Randy Nelson and Student Life Time and Location
Video RecordingCTL Forum - Student Freedom of Expression at UNW-20221027_103132.mp4 |
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Panel: Faculty Academic FreedomWorkshop Roundtablein Practice - November 16, 2022General Information:PresentersDr. Lara Bronson, School of Education Dr. Megan Brown, Christian Ministries Dr. Randy Nelson, Biblical & Theological Studies Greg Rosauer, Library & UNW Archivist Time and Location
Video Recording |
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Scientific Scientific & Quantitative Literacy Core Outcome - February 2, 2023General Information:PresentersDr. Don Johnson, Psychology Dr. Jonathan Zderad, Computing, Data, & Mathematical Sciences Time and Location
Video Recording |
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AI in Higher Ed - February 27, 2023General Information:PresentersDr. Joel Johnson Time and Location
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An Interview with President Hoornbeek - March 15, 2023General Information:PresentersTime and Location
Video Recording |
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Student Panel: Student Burnout - April 13, 2023General Information:PresentersRuth Fries, Academic Achievement Tim Grosz, Athletics Danae Widbin, Athletics Beth Wilmeth, Athletics Time and Location
Video Recording |