Withdrawal from a Course
- Withdrawal from a course is permitted during the first ten weeks of a full-semester course, the first five weeks of a half-semester course, and a proportionate length of time for abbreviated courses.
- Students are strongly encouraged, though not required, to obtain their advisor’s signature if desiring to make class schedule changes while the student still has access to be able to change his/her own schedule. Students have access to change their own schedule based on the below. After the below timeline, class schedule changes can only be accomplished through the Registrar’s Office. Students may change their own class schedule prior to:
- the 4th day of the semester for Quad 1 and Quad 3 courses
- the 2nd week of the semester for full semester courses
- the 4th day of Quad 2 and Quad 4 for Quad 2 and Quad 4 courses
- Notation is made on transcript as follows: