Retention in the Nursing Program is based on the following:

  1. Maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 2.75.
  2. Maintain a GPA of at least 2.75 in the major.
  3. Meet all minimum grade requirements as defined in the university catalog and the School of Nursing Handbook.
  4. Abide by established university and school policies on academic integrity and upholding community and professional standards.
  5. Maintain all student health clearance/immunization requirements, CPR requirement and criminal background screening, with supporting documentation demonstrating current records.

If the appropriate GPAs are not maintained, consideration may be given by the School of Nursing to place the student on probation, dismiss the students from the nursing program, or to counsel the student into another program area. 

A nursing course (NUR prefix) may only be repeated one time.  This includes whether the student failed or withdrew from the course ("W" notation on transcript).  Upon failing or withdrawing from a nursing course during the second attempt, the student will immediately be dismissed from the School of Nursing.  Dismissed students are required to meet with the Chief Nurse Administrator for a scheduled exit interview.

Only three (3) nursing courses (NUR prefix) may be repeated.  The student who fails or withdraws from a fourth nursing course, having already repeated three (3) nursing courses, will immediately be dismissed from the School of Nursing.  Dismissed students are required to meet with the Chief Nurse Administrator for a scheduled exit interview.

A student who has failed one or more nursing course(s) (NUR) in a term, must write a letter to the Admission and Progression Committee of the School of Nursing, notifying of 1) their intent to continue in the nursing program; 2) their preferred term to repeat the nursing course(s). The Admission and Progression Committee of the School of Nursing will make final decisions on placement of students who need to repeat nursing course(s).

All nursing courses (NUR prefix) having a clinical component must be repeated successfully prior to taking other nursing courses.  A student must have completed all NUR courses from terms 1-3 in order to enroll in NUR 4316, 4317, 4318, or 4319.  All supporting courses and core curriculum courses must be completed by the start of Term 4 of the Nursing Program*.  (*Effective starting with the Traditional Undergraduate and Undergraduate Pathways Catalog 2018-19).  Failure to meet sequential progression requirements will delay progression of the student within the Nursing Program according to the Curriculum Plan.  Students needing to re-enroll in upcoming NUR class(es) as a result of repetition policies will be given priority and are not considered out of the BSN program while awaiting the offering of required NUR course(s).

The Admission and Progression Committee of the School of Nursing will make final decisions in dismissal cases. All dismissal cases may be appealed. Students may appeal decisions based on course repetition policies in writing to the School of Nursing’s Admission and Progression Committee with the concurrence or recommendation of the academic advisor or course instructor. Decisions on appeal requests are the responsibility of the Admission and Progression Committee and may be approved or denied based on individual circumstances and an evaluation of the request

A student not progressing in the program in a continuous manner may be required to complete additional courses based on curriculum changes.  All program requirements must be completed within five (5) years of first enrollment of NUR courses.
