Step 1: Complete I-9 & W4(s)
Step 2: Complete Employment Forms
Step 3: In-person VerificationOn-campus (St. Paul) employees:Please visit the Human Resources office in R1600 with your form(s) of original identification* for I-9 verification on your first day of employment. Our office is open Monday-Friday 9am-4pm. Northwestern Media employees:Please bring a printed copy of your I-9 and your original form(s) of identification* to the radio station on your first day of employment, have a member at the station complete Page 2, and upload (Step 4). Remote/online only employees:Please bring a printed copy of your I-9 and your original form(s) of identification* to have Page 2 completed and signed (not stamped/notarized) by a notary public who will act as a representative of UNW. Once completed, please upload your document(s) (Step 4). |
Step 4: Upload New Hire Paperwork (if needed)Submit I-9 (if using PDF version) and Files should be completed fully, including any necessary signatures. If any information is missing or incomplete, Human Resources will contact you to make the corrections and have you re-upload the file(s). |
*REMINDER: Necessary form(s) of IDNorthwestern complies with Immigration Reform and Control Act, which makes it necessary for you to bring verification for authorization to work in the United States with you on your first day of employment; please see list below for acceptable documentation. |