Upcoming COVID-19 Vaccine Opportunity at UNW

Earlier this week you received an email from Human Resources announcing the opportunity to receive a COVID-19 vaccine on our campus. The Pfizer vaccine will be available to all employees who are interested in being vaccinated at this time.

COVID-19 Vaccine Dates (8 AM – 4 PM):

     1st Dose: April 16th

     2nd Dose: May 7th

If you are interested, please fill out the COVID-19 Vaccine Interest Form to pre-register for this event. The opportunity to become vaccinated is completely voluntary. UNW does not require employees to obtain the COVID-19 vaccine. If you would like guidance regarding the COVID-19 vaccine, please contact your personal healthcare provider.

Fall 2021 Classroom Distancing Update

The journey through COVIDland has required us to consistently monitor our environment and guidance provided through organizations such as the CDC and MDH. In recent weeks, MDH has provided clarity on how institutions can approach classroom distancing in the Fall 2021 semester. At this time, they have given approval for institutions of higher education to plan for 3-feet social distancing in classrooms as long as the following protocols are in place:

  • Face coverings must be worn.
  • Seating assignments and seating charts must be in place.
  • If greater distancing can be achieved in a space, we must do so.
  • Plans must be maintained to return to hybrid or virtual learning if transmission levels rise.

Because of this change in guidance, we will be updating our capacity numbers and room assignments accordingly. This should result in more classes being offered fully face to face with fewer hybrid and virtual classes required due to social distancing. Thank you for your patience and flexibility as we continue to respond to changing conditions and adjust our plans accordingly. 

Rick Love Featured in CCCU Advance

Professor Rick Love, Associate Professor of Art & Design and Faculty President, was recently featured in the CCCU Advance (web version or PDF version) for his innovative work in creative teaching during COVID-19. You can read his story here (under the Shifts in Teaching section). Well done, Rick!

I know that many of you have likewise offered your course content in new and creative ways. Thank you for your commitment to engaging and supporting our students well throughout this year! 

Update to Top Matter in Moodle

An update is being made to the top matter icons that were added to some courses in Moodle last summer. A direct link to Refer a Student using the Joint Intervention Form is being added to the top matter icons (shown below). Please access this link if you have concerns regarding a student in your class. If you already have top matter icons in your course, you will see the change over the next few days. If you do not have top matter icons in your course, you can import* them into your course by following the instructions on Confluence

*Academic Technology and the Online Learning Office are exploring ways that these top matter icons could become part of the standard course template to appear automatically on your course site(s) in the future. Thank you, AT!