Earlier today, a message was sent to students and employees from Dr. Cureton with an update related to our institution's COVID protocols on campus. It continues to be essential that we follow these protocols as a community and wear face coverings where they are required. Please remember the following:
Many classrooms are not set up for 6’ distancing, so all students need to mask throughout the entire class.
Any movement by students, such as pair work or group work, will require masks.
Please remind students to wear masks if they are not distanced.
Academic Affairs has received multiple concerns from students who are uncomfortable that students are not 6’ distanced with no reminders provided to wear their masks.
Thank you for your leadership in adhering to these protocols and asking your students to follow through. Our prayer and goal are to reach a point where these protocols are no longer required.
This past week a survey went out to the 243 faculty who are teaching in person on our campus. We are thankful to have received 129 responses. This survey provided helpful information about the sense of wellbeing faculty have and captured many thoughts on our current masking protocols. You are invited to view highlights from the survey and consider how you can encourage and support those in your areas of influence.
Academic Achievement and Health Services have received several requests for notes indicating a student is too ill to come to class. As a reminder, students are encouraged not to attend class in person if they are ill. As noted in the Academic Policy Manual, "Health Services does not provide excuse notes for common illnesses, injuries or mental health problems that may lead to missed classes, labs, exams, projects or deadlines." Only students who have an approved accommodation, have been approved for a non-ADA adjustment (e.g., COVID quarantine/isolation, family funeral, surgery, military service, etc.), or are involved in a university-sponsored event will be displayed on the daily automated email notification. Please continue to work with your students and support those who are not able to attend class in person due to non-COVID related illness.
Our Faculty Guidance page has recently been updated with additional information for you on how to engage with students who might refuse to wear a face covering. The addition outlines the specific escalation steps you can consider up to and including making a referral to Student Life. Our hope is that these steps and options will provide tangible support for you as you seek to enforce the masking protocol when needed.
Does it matter where I put my videos? Northwestern has been blessed with a number of video hosting options. This webinar will help you figure out the best solution for your needs. We also discuss some tips for storing videos.
Watch Recording (54:07)
If you have any feedback you would like to share about campus protocols, your wellbeing this fall, or other items, you are invited to do so through this anonymous form (feel free to include your name if you'd like). As we seek to lead effectively and care for each other, we appreciate hearing your thoughts. Thank you, Colleagues!