Supporting Current Protocols

Earlier today, Human Resources sent a communication to all employees with information and reminders about our current COVID-19 protocols. A similar communication was also sent to students to help reinforce the need for compliance with the current face covering expectations. Please be sure to read through that communication, and watch the linked video from Anna Mukaria, Director of COVID Operations. These communications were sent to the community, in part, as a response to some of the challenges we have experienced with gaps in compliance with wearing face coverings in classrooms and in chapel. Thank you faculty for doing your part in upholding these protocols in your classrooms as we seek to demonstrate integrity across the institution. As a reminder, these protocols will be in place through Friday, 9/24. We will revisit what protocols may be needed for our campus beyond that date and will communicate any changes before the 24th.

In addition to that communication, through working with the Department Chairs and Assistant Deans this week, several items were suggested that might help faculty address students who are not wearing face coverings in classrooms. I want you to know that you are fully supported in working with students to consistently maintain these protocols. 

Referencing Classroom Signage

All classrooms have been updated with signage that indicates face coverings are required, in accordance with our current protocols, like the one seen below. Feel free to reference that and use that as a point of information with any students.

Similarly, if you would like to place a sign outside your office indicating that face coverings are required, you are encouraged to print the sample posted on the Faculty Guidance FAQs. Look for the question titled, "Can I require face coverings in my office?"

Face Masks Still Available

Academic Affairs still has a supply of face masks available for you to take and give to students as needed. These face masks are reusable and come in packs of 5. If you would like to pick up a pack, please contact Sue Terhark to arrange a time. 

Talking Points and Escalation Process

A series of talking points have been created to help guide a conversation with a student in the event they are unwilling to put on a face covering in your classroom. The following is an excerpt from the Faculty Guidance page for your reference.

First Response When a Student Comes to Class Without a Face Covering 

  • During the first week of class, provide a mask if students arrive without one (the first time). Initially, students might forget to put their mask on or might forget to bring a mask with them to class. Masks are available from the Academic Affairs Office while supplies last. 
  • Respond with grace as we recognize we are all acclimating to the revised protocols. 
  • The next time students come without a mask, ask that they quickly go and get their mask and return to class. Students may get a free mask at the following locations, while supplies last: 
    • the Robertson Student Center front desk  
    • the Student Employment Office in Riley Hall 
    • the Knight Hall Ticket Office 
    • the Depot in the Billy Graham Commons. 
  • Try to do whatever you can to speak to this individual personally outside of class (such as moving to the hallway). We desire to show care, rather than confrontation. 

Progressive Talking Points as Needed 

  • Face coverings are required in every classroom when entering and exiting the class and when 6’ distancing cannot be maintained. 
  • Consider the safety of others in the classroom, as you may be an asymptomatic carrier and could transmit the virus to others, regardless of their vaccination status.  
  • Please begin wearing your face covering, so class can continue as planned.
  • If you are feeling uncomfortable wearing a face covering in class, contact Academic Achievement to discuss a potential accommodation or adjustment for the class.  
  • By refusing to wear a face covering, you are choosing to disregard university policy and to disrespect my oversight of this class; therefore, your action will become a student conduct issue.  
  • If you continue to disrupt class in this way, I will need to contact Public Safety for assistance (x5310).  

Professional Development

Many of us use Zoom for web conferencing and to support remote students. Zoom is a powerful tool but can take some practice to feel comfortable. The two recordings included below will take you through both basic information about using Zoom and then level up your skills as you become a Zoom Ninja. If you like these, our other Zoom resources may be of interest.

Zoom Ninja 1: Becoming a Zoom Ninja

Do you want to be agile and effective with your Zoom skills? Do you want to discover useful ways to employ Zoom features, such as Breakout Rooms? This webinar will help you learn more about Zoom's features, how to effectively manage your virtual session, and tips for getting the most from Zoom. Watch Recording (51:22)

Zoom Ninja 2: Honing Your Zoom Ninja Skills

Take your Zoom skills to the next level! This webinar will help you explore some intermediate techniques and functions in Zoom and how to use them in the virtual community. We also discuss how to deal with “Zoombombers.” Watch Recording (32:38)

Your Feedback is Appreciated!

Your feedback continues to be valuable in identifying what is working well and what can be improved. Thank you, Colleagues! If you have any feedback you'd like to share on the return to campus or other items, you are invited to do so through this anonymous form (feel free to include your name if you'd like). We appreciate hearing your thoughts.