


1. Incidents of plagiarism must be reported immediately by the faculty member to the Registrar.

2. The most common errors in handling written sources are the following:

a. failure to use quotation marks when quoting,

b. failure to make a thorough paraphrase when attempting to put the idea in one’s own words,

c. failure to give the source of the information.

3. Students found plagiarizing in course work or examinations are subject to discipline. The standard disciplinary response is an immediate F (failing grade) for the course and the student placed on disciplinary probation. The disciplinary action may be decreased or increased for reasons such as the following:

a. Possibly decreased to failure of assignment:

(1) if work is a minor part of the total grade of the course (such as less than 5%),

(2) if judged not to be premeditated.

However, the professor may require the student to rewrite the paper, while still receiving a failing grade, in order to pass the course.

b. Recommend to Student Life possible disciplinary suspension:

(1) if a repeated case of plagiarizing at Northwestern,

(2) if a flagrant action of plagiarizing, such as intentional lifting of large sections of text without documentation or fabrication of sources,

(3) if the student is proved to have been dishonest or uncooperative at any time during the investigation.

4. Appeals for cause on plagiarizing will be in writing and directed to the Registrar, chair of ad hoc Appeals Committee.

5. See Cheating for other related policy information.


1. Incidents of cheating must be reported immediately by the faculty member to the Registrar.

2. Students cheating in course work or examinations are subject to discipline. The standard disciplinary response is an immediate F (failing grade) for the course and the student placed on disciplinary probation. The disciplinary action may be decreased or increased for reasons such as the following:

a. Possibly decreased to failure of assignment:

(1) if work is a minor part of the total grade of the course (such as less than 5%),

(2) if judged not to be premeditated.

b. Recommend to Student Life possible disciplinary suspension:

(1) if a repeated case of cheating at Northwestern,

(2) if a flagrant action of cheating (or helping others to cheat),

(3) if the student is proved to have been dishonest or uncooperative at any time during the investigation.

3. Appeals for cause on academic cheating will be in writing and directed to the Registrar,

chair of the ad hoc Appeals Committee.

4. See Plagiarism for policy on cheating in literary/research assignments.


Source: Academic Policies

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