Using Rubrics
Nathan Lentfer
Adam Minnie
Rubrics in Moodle can be used to assess student performance according to a set of standard criteria. Rubrics are one of three possible advanced grading methods. Rubrics define criteria in rows and performance levels in columns and can be graded simply by clicking on the appropriate cells for each criterion.
Benefits of Using Rubrics
Making scoring criteria transparent benefits students and instructors in a number of ways:
- Students can more readily fulfill expectations by knowing clearly what those expectations are.
- Scoring with established criteria and rubrics tends to be more objective and consistent.
- Grading with rubrics can be faster and result in fewer student questions or grade challenges.
The Online Learning Office recommends including clear grading criteria and/or rubrics for all graded course activities. If you seek examples, templates, or help creating your own, feel free to contact
What do students see?
When a rubric, grading guide, or checklist is assigned in Moodle, students can to see the rubric's criteria and scoring levels before submitting an assignment. After an assignment is graded, students can see their performance on the rubric along with any other written feedback by visiting the assignment submission page. Overall feedback comments are visible in student's Grades page, but not their performance on the rubric.
How to Create and Use Rubrics
For further details and instructions, see /wiki/spaces/IKB/pages/80281829. For a webinar overview of rubrics, grading guides, and checklists, see Can We Really Quantify What "Good" Looks Like? Building your Best Rubrics and Grading Guides (56:45)