September 17, 2021

September 17, 2021

Scenario Planning for COVID Protocols

Process for Our Next Steps

Next week marks the end of our first month of the semester, and with it we will have a chance to reevaluate our COVID protocols. The RAT, ACT, P6, and SLT have already identified and begun to consider multiple scenarios for the campus. Considerations will include both external and internal data, along with factors more specific to our campus community. Recommendations will be provided by the RAT and ACT groups to the P6 Team on Tuesday, 9/21. At that time, a recommendation will be made to the SLT for a final decision on Wednesday, 9/22. Once a decision has been approved, a communication will be sent to the community with an update. You can always review the Current Status page for the most recent information.

Feedback and Prayer

As each college Dean is a member of the ACT, if you have specific feedback you would like to make sure is considered, please contact them by mid-day Monday. Above all, please join me and others in praying for unity and clarity with these upcoming decisions.

Maintaining Integrity

In the mean time, thank you for continuing to uphold the current protocols in your own actions and modeling to help enforce them within our academic settings (classrooms and labs). If needed, feel free to reference and use the talking points developed by ACT when working with students who may be reluctant to wear a face covering.

Weekly Professional Development

Each week, we select a webinar for you from our on-demand archives list that is relevant to where we are in the semester. This week's topic focuses on deterring plagiarism with features available in Moodle. 

Plagiarism: Can We Effectively Deter It in Moodle?

Can you reduce plagiarism in your course assignments? This webinar covers academic integrity solutions for assignment submissions, discussion posts, and quizzes in Moodle. Watch Recording (47:10)

Sharing Your Thoughts and Perspectives

Hearing your thoughts and perspectives has been very helpful over the past weeks and months. If you have any feedback you'd like to share about protocols on campus or other items, you are invited to do so through this anonymous form (feel free to include your name if you'd like). Thanks in advance for your time and thoughtfulness!