April 23, 2021

April 23, 2021

Increase in COVID Numbers

Over the past several weeks, the Resurgence Analysis Team has been monitoring an increase in the number of COVID-19 cases and students needing to quarantine. While this is not what we had hoped to see at this time, I am thankful to report that these increases have not been connected to structured UNW activities or our classrooms. In other words, these cases are largely due to informal or social activities and events.

An email message was sent to students this afternoon encouraging them to finish the semester "Eagle Strong" and to promote good practices in the weeks ahead. We have all worked so hard to get through this year successfully, and I'm grateful for all you have done on our students' behalf. Please pray with me that we will be able to finish our semester strong.

Preparing for Finals

Anticipating Student Needs

With the rise in COVID numbers mentioned above, it is wise for us to think about the potential impact this increase might have on finals week. As was the case in the fall, you may also find that some students need to enter isolation or quarantine during these final weeks, which would require them to complete their courses virtually. We realize that a virtual final may be very challenging in some courses. If possible, we would like to help our students finish the semester rather than having to take an incomplete (I) grade.

In addition, if you are teaching a hybrid class this semester, it may be necessary for you to develop an online final since the classroom space will likely be unable to hold your entire class in person for the final.

If you are planning to offer an online final exam, please remember to follow the Spring 2021 Traditional Undergraduate final exam schedule. If you are administering an online final exam in Moodle, please schedule the availability of the exam to take place during the same time as is listed on the final exam schedule. We want to avoid students' having multiple exams scheduled at the same time. Thanks in advance for your attention to these matters. 

OLO Is Here to Help

The Online Learning Office (OLO) is available to help any faculty who might need assistance with setting up finals in Moodle or thinking through other final assessment ideas. As you prepare your final exams, you may want to consider using one of these strategies to help improve the integrity of your assessments.

  1. Consider setting an open date and close date for the exam along with a time limit
  2. Shuffle/randomize answers in the exam
  3. For assignments, enable Urkund to analyze papers for similarity to internet resources

The Online Learning Office has created a resource for academic integrity with additional options. You may also contact the Online Learning Office directly to discuss ideas relevant to your testing setup. If you identify any courses for which virtual exams cannot be offered, please contact your department chair for assistance in brainstorming a solution. Thanks in advance for doing all you can to help our students complete the semester successfully!

Post-COVID Learning Environments

As part of our ongoing planning process, several discussions were held this past week to solicit feedback on the draft list of Assumption and Principles created by the Academic Continuity Team to help us prepare for fall 2021 and beyond. These discussion have been very helpful in thinking through the impact and implications of potentially continuing the use of lecture capture, along with virtual and hybrid teaching modalities, to some degree on our campus. Cheryl Norman, Joel Johnson, and I were able to meet with the Student Government on Wednesday to solicit their feedback and better understand their expectations. We have also been able to hear from various member of Academic Affairs staff along with representatives in Athletics, Enrollment Management, Finances/Operations, Human Resources, and Student Life . 

In addition to the areas listed, it is important that I hear from you! We will be dedicating part of our May 4 faculty meeting to this topic. In addition, you are invited to join me, along with your faculty colleagues, for a Provost Coffee Hour on Friday, May 7, at 1:30 p.m. (following the Scholarship Symposium) to further our discussions. I hope you will be able to attend. 

You are also welcome to share your thoughts on any of the above topics at any time by using this anonymous Qualtrics link. 

Assessment Presentation to Board of Trustees

I am grateful to Dr. Cheryl Norman, Dean of Assessment and Academic Administration, for compiling the Assessment Annual each year. Recently, Cheryl presented to the Senior Leadership Team and the Academic Affairs / Student Life Committee of the Board of Trustees some highlights from the fall and spring 2019-2020 assessments. I was able to share these highlights with the full Board as well. I think you will be very encouraged by the Fall 2019 - Spring 2020 Assessment Highlights. I am proud of your steadfast commitment to our students and the difference you have made in their lives. Thank you, Faculty and AA Staff!