Grades, Incomplete
Grades, Incomplete
Grades, Incomplete
- An incomplete grade is given only if the instructor is satisfied that there is a valid excuse such as prolonged illness. Incomplete grades are given only by prearrangement with the instructor.
- The incomplete grade must be removed and a final grade assigned within ten calendar weeks from the last day of final exams for Quad 1, Quad 3, the semester, or the last day of summer session. (NOTE: A failing grade due to a student not accomplishing any work in a course will result in possible removal of financial aid for that semester.)
- The student must coordinate with the instructor an agreed upon deadline of when the remaining course work is due to the instructor in order for the instructor to have time to calculate and submit a course grade within the ten calendar weeks.
- The incomplete grade will be changed to an appropriate grade (A-F, S/U, or P/NC) by the instructor of the course. If the instructor is not available, see the Registrar.
Incomplete grades not removed within 10 weeks will be changed to an F, U, or NC by the Registrar’s office.
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