Oral Communication Emphasis Course (OCE)
Oral Communication Emphasis Course (OCE)
Oral Communication Emphasis Course (OCE)
- All majors will require a course within their major that is designated as an Oral Communication Emphasis course (OCE). In these courses students are required to demonstrate skills in oral communication appropriate for the major.
- SPE1075 Public Speaking or transfer equivalent is a required prerequisite for the OCE course.
- The following are minimal requirements for courses with an OCE designation:
- At least one oral presentation must
- be presented while standing in front of the entire class (not one-on-one or small part of the class),
- involve original work (not performances of someone else’s work),
- be evaluated using the approved form (not necessarily related to grade),
- be “formal” in nature as defined by the department/school,
- be a minimum of 10 minutes long,
- must be an individual presentation.
- At least one oral presentation must
At least 20 percent of the grade for the course should be based on the evaluation of the projects that include the oral presentation.
, multiple selections available,