Pass/No Credit Grading

Pass/No Credit Grading

Pass/No Credit Grading
  • A "P" grade indicates the student has achieved a passing grade as determined by the course instructor.  An “NC” grade indicates that this level has not been achieved and no credit is given for the course.
  • A P grade permits credit without influencing GPA calculations; a grade of NC disallows credit but does not affect the GPA.
  • All courses with 00XX course codes are offered on a P/NC/SNE/UNE basis.
  • One-credit co-curricular courses will be graded on a P/NC basis.  Exceptions are noted in the Co-curricular Activities section.
  • Other courses may be offered on a P/NC basis if approved by the APCC.
  • For the purpose of transfer, a P grade is equal to a minimum grade of C- and the NC grade, an F.