

  • Faculty members will prepare a syllabus for each course taught and submit a copy to the Academic Affairs office. The syllabus must be made available to the students by the end of the first week.
  • Sample syllabi are available from the Academic Affairs Office.
  • A syllabus must include the following information:

Course Information

Institution Name: University of Northwestern – St. Paul

Course title: (from the catalog)

Course description: (from the catalog)

Course code (i.e. ENG1105): (from the catalog)

Course prerequisites: (from the catalog)

Number of credits: (from the catalog)

Term and year

Day, time, and place of class meetings

Date and time of final exam

Instructor Information

Instructor's name

Office location

Office hours

Instructor contact information: (phone, UNW Email, etc.)

Learning outcomes/objectives of the course

Course Policies and Grading

Required textbooks and materials

Reference to the Student Handbook description and policies on cheating and plagiarism

Grading Policies and Procedures

Attendance Policies

Course content:

Schedule of content presentation

Course assignments, examinations, quizzes, due dates

Current UNW ADA Statement:  Available from the office for Academic Achievement.