Student Responsibilities

Student Responsibilities

Student Responsibilities
  • Taking final examinations during the regularly scheduled period is considered to be part of the academic responsibility assumed by the student.
  • An unexcused absence of any final examination results in failure in that examination. 
  • A student may reschedule a final exam to take place during the final examination schedule in the event the student has one or more of the following scenarios:
    • Three final exams scheduled for one day (one may be rescheduled)
    • Two final exams scheduled at the same time (one may be rescheduled)
    • Verified medical emergency
    • Death in the family
    • Required Military Service
    • Participation in an approved University-sponsored event

In the event of one or more of these scenarios, a student should complete a Final Examination Rescheduling form.

After verifying that the information on the form meets one or more of the above scenarios, the Registrar communicates to the professor, student, and the Office for Academic Achievement that the student may take the final exam in the Office for Academic Achievement testing center at the date/time indicated on the form. If it is not possible for the student to take the exam during the final examination schedule, the student may be permitted to take an incomplete and make up the examination during the first two weeks of the following semester. Note: For final examinations at the end of Quads 1 and 3, a student who meets one of the five scenarios listed above is not required to complete the Final Examination Rescheduling form. Instead the instructor may make arrangements for testing with the Office for Academic Achievement.

  • Students with exceptional circumstances must submit a petition to the Academic Policies Exception Committee to take the final examination at another time using the Final Examination Deferring Form by Wednesday of the last week of the class.  In such cases, the student receives a failure or 0 for the final examination, but if approved, would be allowed to complete the examination or alternative assessment through the Office for Academic Achievement before the end of the first two weeks of the next semester.  If no such approval is allowed, failure to take the final during the scheduled time would be considered an unexcused absence.  Note: For final examinations at the end of Quads 1 and 3, a student who has an exceptional circumstance is not required to complete the Final Examination Deferring form.  Instead the instructor may make arrangements for testing with the Office for Academic Achievement.