Grade Point Average

Grade Point Average

Grade Point Average
  • GPA Hours: University of Northwestern letter-graded credits used in calculating a student’s grade point average (GPA), i.e., A through F.
  • Earned Hours: those credits with passing grades; i.e., A through D-, or P.  Sometimes referred to as "graduation credits."  Used to determine athletic eligibility and satisfactory progress for financial aid.
  • Transferable credits: total credits in degree-counting courses completed for credit and with grades of C- or higher at all colleges and universities previously attended.  Used to determine student classification for registration purposes and eligibility for proportional core curriculum requirement.
  • Applicable transfer credits: transferable credits counting toward University of Northwestern graduation requirements, as recorded on the curriculum chart and transcript.  Used to determine student classification for financial aid purposes.
  • Cumulative grade point average:  cumulative Quality Points divided by cumulative GPA hours for all courses taken at University of Northwestern. 
  • Grade point averages are rounded to three decimal places.