8.2 Actions Related to Academic Integrity in the School of Nursing

8.2 Actions Related to Academic Integrity in the School of Nursing

8.2 Actions Related to Academic Integrity in the School of Nursing


The following is in the University of Northwestern-St. Paul Traditional Undergraduate and Dual Enrollment Catalog 2024-2025, p. 31

Students cheating in coursework or examinations are subject to discipline. Cheating includes such acts as copying another’s work and
presenting it as one’s own (or allowing someone else to copy one’s work) and using unfair methods to complete a test (or helping someone to
cheat). The standard disciplinary response is an immediate F (failing grade) for the course and the student placed on disciplinary probation.
The disciplinary action may be decreased or increased for reasons such as the following:

1. Possibly decreased to failure of assignment:

  • If work is a minor part of the total grade (less than 5%)

  • If judged not to be premeditated

2. Recommend to Student Life for possible disciplinary suspension:

  • If a repeated case of cheating at Northwestern

  • If a flagrant act of cheating (or helping others to cheat)

  • If the student is proved to have been dishonest or uncooperative at any time during the investigation. Incidents of, and appeals regarding, academic cheating will be directed to the chair of the ad hoc appeals committee: Registrar for traditional undergraduate courses and the Assistant Dean of the College of Graduate, Online, & Adult Learning for Dual Enrollment courses.

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