2.04 Purposes of Student Teaching
2.04 Purposes of Student Teaching
- Provide teacher role models with whom the teacher candidate may identify.
- Provide the teacher candidate with a gradual induction into teaching through pre-student teaching field experiences and full-time student teaching.
- Facilitate integration and application of educational theory and teaching methodology in student teaching.
- Provide learning experiences in which the teacher candidate can sharpen and refine skills in relation to the Standards of Effective Practice (see Section 5.3 Appendix C).
Note: The 2024 update to the SEPs is available here: 8710.2000
- Provide opportunities for the teacher candidate to engage in co-curricular, extra-curricular, and other school activities.
- Provide the candidate with exposure to a variety of instructional approaches, management strategies, and instructional technology integrations.
- Provide learning experiences in which the teacher candidate receives immediate and constructive feedback from the cooperating teacher and the university supervisor.
- Provide an opportunity for the teacher candidate, university supervisor, and cooperating teacher to assess the candidate's readiness for individual responsibility in the classroom.
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