- Should be used by students who need to use the 3D Printers.
How to Use:
- Follow in-app instructions
- When a student makes their first request, Shops@unwsp.edu will receive an email asking them to share both 3D printing calendars. These calendars must be shared before the student can schedule prints.
- Students will need to be enrolled in the Shop Protocols and Procedures Moodle Course - this is a no credit training course, enrollment is done on Moodle
- Self enrollment can be done by searching the course from Moodle Home, selecting the enrollment method, "3DPrinting" and enter that same name as the password.
- After taking the 3D Printing lesson, students will receive a code to the UNW Shops Team
- The App is also available in the UNW Shops > 3D Printing Channel > Bonnie + Clyde Beta Tab