June 25, 2021

June 25, 2021

Academic Guidelines for Fall 2021

This week, the SLT approved three key documents that outline important academic guidelines for the fall 2021 semester. I am grateful for the collaborative process that was used to gather feedback from faculty, students, and various departments across Northwestern. These documents represent important steps forward for the university as we seek to integrate changes from the past year that enhance the teaching and learning experience. 

Please familiarize yourself with these three documents (linked below). 

  • Using Lecture Capture - outlines expected and recommended circumstances when lecture capture should be used this fall
  • Utilizing Various Modalities - outlines the process for selecting course modalities, student modality protocols, information to include in course syllabi, and expectations for effectively supporting remote students
  • Approval for Student Accommodations and Adjustments - outlines guidelines and criteria for how Academic Achievement will work with student requests for accommodations or adjustments

Please contact Cheryl Norman or Joel Johnson with questions about these documents. If you have questions about the application of the guidelines, please contact your Department Chair/Assistant Dean. 

Return to Campus Planning

The Resurgence Analysis Team and P6 Team have continued to work on plans for the campus this fall. Similar to last summer, these plans are designed to communicate expectations about community life to students, including areas such as athletics, chapel, classroom protocols, dining, events, health services, music & theater, residence life, and student activities. These guidelines are designed to address the changing impact of COVID-19 on campus and in the community. Our goal is to have these guidelines finalized and approved by early July. 

Upcoming Professional Development Opportunities

Please continue to take advantage of professional development opportunities offered through the Online Learning Office and Academic Technology. Remember that by participating in various training options, you are eligible for a technology incentive (see the Development Opportunities page for more details).

Webinars During the Week of 6/28

Five Keys to Understanding the Moodle Gradebook

How do I set up the Moodle Gradebook? The gradebook in Moodle can be as simple or as complex as you need it to be. This webinar will cover the basics of setting up gradebooks in Moodle and some tips to make sure everything works as you expect.

Date: Tuesday, June 29 at 11:00am CT - Register here

What Goes Wrong in Moodle Gradebooks: TA Mistakes and Other Misunderstandings to Avoid

"My gradebook is not calculating correctly!" This webinar will cover common mistakes, frustrations, and misunderstandings with the Moodle gradebook. Come to this webinar before throwing your computer out the window (smile)

Date: Thursday, July 1 at 11:00am CT - Register here