Since last March, the P5 team has met to oversee the institution's response to COVID-19. While focusing on the operational changes needed, this group has always had an interest on how our changes have impacted the people of Northwestern. This week began Phase 5 of the team's work which provided an opportunity to clarify this focus by renaming the group the P6 Team.
Phase 5 will take us to the beginning of June and consists of the following goals:
To continuously monitor UNW’s health and operations as outlined in our Resurgence Plan
To confirm and roll out Summer 2021 plans, including a corresponding timeline
To develop plans for Fall 2021, including a corresponding timeline
To identify and allocate resources for appropriate levels of student and employee support during Summer, Fall 2021, and Spring 2022
To connect UNW’s COVID efforts with the Strategic Planning process, identifying and incorporating opportunities for long-term improvements (Through-Cycle Planning)
Strategic Planning Theme Team update
Theme Teams work: January 21-March 15, 2021
Theme Teams submit work: March 15, 2021
Planning Team wrestles and presents to President: Week of March 22, 2021 (3 meetings tbd)