The following information explains the different features of the Travel Application and how to use it.
Creating a new trip 
Trip Name: Use this naming convention: Department - Course Code (if applicable) - Purpose of trip
Trip Type: Domestic or International. This determines workflow for approvals and also what documents the participant needs to upload
Trip Category: used to determine if approvals or financial info is needed
- Academic – trips coordinated by academic departments (other than Nursing and Music); these are trips where the student will register for a course in Banner so the user will be prompted to enter the course ID when they choose this category
- Athletics – used for any sports team that is traveling overnight for a game
- Conference – used by employees or students who are attending a conference
- Department – Employee – used for individual or group employee overnight trips that aren't conferences
- Missions – mission trips for any reason and any department
- Music – used by Music department only for student trips
- Nursing – used only by Nursing department for their student trips. These fees are automatically charged on the students’ account so by choosing this category, it bypasses the Financial Info page
- Student Life – used for student leader or student experiential trips
- Study Off Campus – used for all students who are in an academic study program for a semester where they aren’t attending classes at UNW but are still enrolled as a UNW student
Term: required for all trips but used mainly for student trips where trip charges will be made to the students’ account
Start Date/End Date: overall start and end dates of entire trip, even if there are multiple destinations
Trip will be open to applications:
This toggle defaults to ‘on’ meaning that any participant will be able to apply to go on this trip once it is ‘open’. If the coordinator will be controlling what participants can go on this trip and does not want to have it open for anyone to join, this should be toggled off.
UNW Participants: Estimate of how many UNW participants will be going on this trip. Needed on all trips but specifically used by Risk Management for International trip insurance projections
Non UNW Participants: enter 0 if none
Trip Leader: Uses current employees or students as the pool to choose from; can have multiple. For groups this is the person who will actually be leading the trip.
Trip Coordinator: This list is controlled by the Travel App administrator who controls who approved coordinators can be. Only these trip coordinators can add new trips. Contact _________ , the Travel App administrator to be added as a trip coordinator. There can be multiple. This is the person who is responsible for all information about trips and participants in the travel app but may or may not be actually going on the trip.
Enter a separate destination entry for each place visited on this trip. Arrival/Departure dates should be entered specific to each destination. This may differ from the overall trip start/end dates that were entered on the first screen.
Lodging: Hotel Name; person’s home
Lodging Address:
Contact Name: name of person to contact where you are staying, if known
Contact Phone: phone number, other than your cell, of where you’ll be staying, if known
Contact Email: email of contact person where you are staying, if known
Transportation: choose from the list provided
Transportation Details : give complete, specific details that may be used to search by in case of an emergency
Financial Info:
Org : choose the Org code that is responsible for this trip. If multiple, choose the main one. This will determine what Financial Manager gets notified to approve this trip.
Fund : choose the applicable Fund code. If you need a new one, click this icon. This will launch a window where you can request one be created by Accounting Services.
- Enter a total amount of the trip in the Estimated Total Trip Cost box.
- If participants will need to pay a part of the cost, enter the individual amount that each participant should be charged in Participant Cost.
- Enter the last date that participants will be able to receive a refund in the No Refund Date box.
- Select how the trip will be funded on the left side.
- As you toggle the options, prompts will appear for what should be entered.
- The individual line amounts will need to equal the Estimated Total Trip Cost in order for the trip to be created and sent on for approvals.
- If there is a participant cost, for students, you will enter the amount due in the Student Account Billing Schedule and the Billing Date.
- There can be multiple payments. The first payment may be a deposit. The information entered here will be used to automatically charge the students’ account for the amount you entered on the date you entered.
- For non-students who need to be billed, enter that data in the Non Student Billing Schedule area. That information will be sent to Accounts Receivable to manage the billing.
At any time you can click STATUS in the menu bar. If all requirements for the trip have been met, each area will be green. If some requirements are still needed, that area will show up as red. You can click on the bar and it will take you to the screen and indicate what fields are missing.
Once the status of all areas is green, the Submit Trip for Approval button will be active and ready for you to submit the trip for approvals. Once you submit the trip, the financial manager will receive an email notifying them to approve.
You can also cancel the trip at any time from the STATUS screen.
Domestic trips: Only financial managers need to approve
International trips: Always need to be approved by financial manager, VP, and President. If threat level is 3 or 4, Senior Leadership Team will also need to approve.
- If any approver decides to deny a trip or wants more information (labeled ‘Needs Work’) prior to approving, they have that option and will be required to enter comments if either of those options are selected. The trip coordinator will receive an email with whatever action the approver has taken.
- Once the trip has been approved, the trip coordinator can open the STATUS page on the trip and when ready to open the trip for participants, can activate the trip.
- This allows for a trip to be submitted for approvals, well in advance of actually making it available for participants to register for the trip. This is important for international trips that need to be in the system and approved prior to June 1 for the upcoming academic year.
- The trip coordinator can also close the trip to participants at any time on the STATUS page of the trip.
Sidebar links and Dashboards 
My Trips: all trips that you are a trip leader, trip coordinator, or a participant on
My Approvals: shows approvers what trips need their approval
Open Trips: all trips that are open for participants to apply
All Trips: can search all data for any trip
Risk Management Dash: used by risk management office to download trip information to send to insurance carrier. Allows the ability to check off trips that have already been downloaded to track if new trips have been added later. This shows international trips only.
New Group Trip: add a new trip
All Participants: can search by participant on any trip
Personal info defaults in from Banner if the user logged in is a current UNW student or employee. If they are not in that category, the trip coordinator will need to register the person for the trip. They must have an ID in Banner since that is where we store birthdate, gender, email, phone, and emergency contact info. The trip coordinator can submit a ticket to IT if they need a Banner ID created.
There is also a link to update this info on theROCK which will update it in Banner.
Role: this will default student, employee, or other if you aren’t a current UNW student or employee.
Trip Requirements: Emergency Contact information defaults in from Banner but it gives an EDIT option if the participant wants to have different contacts for this trip only.
Health Information: Vaccination information will default in for students from Banner but that can also be overwritten here.
Willful Participation: employee and other participants will be required to agree to this for all trips. Students sign this when they become a student here so they won’t see this on the travel app.
Status: gives information if any details are incomplete or if approvals are needed
Travel Details: gives information about the trip, however, participant can update details here that are specific to them if they are different from the rest of the group. They can add more destinations here as well.
(I’m not seeing the page for Financial contract (student) or page for uploading travel documents yet so can’t add that info at this time.)