Asset ID: 118226
Customer ID: 58962
License term: Last renewed on 9/12/2020. Only need to renew/purchase when we need to upgrade to the latest version.
Seats: 5
This software is a Civil engineering software. It specializes in structural analysis. Learn More
Maria Stevens
(510) 649-2201
Only need to renew/purchase when we need to upgrade to the latest version
To renew your license, run the license activation tool on the server (NetKey.exe), found in C: \ Program Files… \ Computers and Structures \ SAP2000 \ Sentinel RMS utilities folder. There will be 3 options to choose from. Select the 3rd option that corresponds to Renew. Another box will appear allowing you to select the licenses available for renewal. Select the licenses, then click OK. A message showing which licenses have been renewed will appear. Once these steps are complete, close the window.
Payment type: Credit Card*
*had to call, online system wasn't accepting the card
Installer: RA
Platform: Server/SimLab
Port: 5093
License key activation code: e7eba618-e4df-4dc4-9920-9a4110e60418
Installation Instructions:
SAP2000 21 Ultimate International Academic Perpetual - Network licenses require Sentinel License Manager v9.2 or higher. Follow the steps below to install the License Manager on a server or to install the product on a client machine. More information can be found here.
If License Manager v9.2 (or higher) is already running
- On the license server, run NetKey.exe from the Start menu to activate the license. Detailed instructions can be found here.
Set up a new license server
- On the license server, download the CSI Installation Wizard.
- Run the CSI Installation Wizard and select the option Install Network License Manager and Utilities.
- Follow the steps in the CSI Installation Wizard, which will guide you through downloading, installing, and activating licenses.
Install the software on client workstations
- On each client workstation, download the CSI Installation Wizard.
- Run the CSI Installation Wizard and select the option Install CSI Software.
- Follow the steps in the CSI Installation Wizard, which will guide you through downloading and installing the software.
Installed in RS108 Simulation Lab, student computers as needed
Structural Analysis