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titleCore Curriculum Outcomes

Because UNW values biblical truth and believes that truth informs disciplines

Graduates will…

     Articulate the integration of biblical teaching appropriate to their fields.

     Know the basic content of the Bible and the redemptive-historical storyline of Scripture. Know the essential teachings of theology and God’s work through the church to the nations.

     Apply critical thinking skills through a biblically informed worldview in the evaluation of all matters.

Because UNW values finding identity in Christ and following Him in all pursuits and actions Graduates will…

     Understand their personal identity and future hope in Christ. Be able to interpret Scripture and apply it to their lives.

     Be equipped to engage in a process of spiritual growth into the likeness of Christ.

     Be able to examine their life experiences in light of Scripture and their relationship with God.

     Live a life of physical wellness, personal integrity and holiness in Christ.

Because UNW values effective communication Graduates will…

     Be able to speak and listen well.

     Be able to read with comprehension and to write effectively. Be able to use technology effectively and ethically.

     Be able to proclaim and defend the Gospel with an effective testimony in both life and word.

Because UNW values the importance of community and global perspectives Graduates will…

     Understand the central call of service in the life of all Christians. Demonstrate the core biblical concept of servanthood in leadership. Understand elements of basic human behavior in historical and social contexts.

     Act with integrity, humility, respect and understanding toward individuals and groups. Understand our own and other cultures as demonstrated by thoughtful and biblical engagement in a culturally diverse world.

Because UNW values the exploration and pursuit of knowledge Graduates will…

     Be able to find, evaluate and use information effectively. Have a depth of knowledge in their fields of study.

     Know core ideas that have shaped human thinking in the humanities, fine arts, natural sciences, behavioral sciences and mathematics.

     Be able to employ critical thinking skills such as reasoning, problem-solving and analysis.

     Demonstrate intellectual curiosity, creativity and pursuit of lifelong learning.

University of Northwestern (UNW) is a non-denominational comprehensive Christian university that has at the core of its purpose equipping students intellectually and spiritually for service and leadership that is God-honoring.  Threaded throughout its guiding documents is a commitment to understanding and applying biblical truth. As described in its Philosophy of Education, “University of Northwestern strives to instill in students the desire to pursue truth as a life-long calling and to provide them with the tools to learn the truths of the Bible and in all of God’s creation and to be witnesses of God’s redemptive glory throughout the world.”  The statement of Foundational Beliefs expands on this in stating, “All creation reflects God’s glory.  Likewise, God has invested us with His image that we might glorify Him by seeking to know Him and the design and purpose of His creation in order to love and serve Him. Northwestern, as a community of faith and learning, is dedicated to that inquiry.”  These foundational beliefs provide the purpose for applying rational God-given abilities to continually seeking a deeper understanding of the chosen discipline as well as deeper understanding of spiritual truth.

The theme of service is also threaded throughout the mission documents of the institution. The mission statement itself indicates that one of the purposes of University of Northwestern is to equip students so that they are able to “serve effectively in their professions” and provide “God-honoring leadership in the home, church, community and world.”  This purpose is also reflected in the Core Curriculum Outcomes which state that

Because UNW values the importance of community and global perspectives Graduates will…

     Understand the central call of service in the life of all Christians. Demonstrate the core biblical concept of servanthood in leadership. Understand elements of basic human behavior in historical and social contexts.

     Act with integrity, humility, respect and understanding toward individuals and groups. Understand our own and other cultures as demonstrated by thoughtful and biblical engagement in a culturally diverse world.

Therefore, the institutional mission focuses on the intellectual and spiritual development of its students for the purpose of service and leadership to the wider community.  It is within these missional constructs that the School of Education seeks to prepare graduates for service within public, private and global schools.

titleMission and Philosophy of the Teacher Education Program

The preparation of teachers is consistent with the mission of the University and with its philosophy of education.  This is evident in the University of Northwestern School of Education mission statement which defines the purpose of teacher education at the institution.

The School of Education exists to prepare educators for transformative service through Christ- centered programs.  Candidates are equipped with the professional knowledge, skills and dispositions to enable them to provide effective and compassionate professional practice and God-honoring leadership within the diverse communities they serve. Through its programs, the School of Education prepares caring and committed educational professionals equipped to serve within public, private or global educational settings.

Just as the University is committed to “equipping students to grow intellectually and spiritually, to serve effectively in their professions,” so the School of Education “exists to prepare educators for transformative service” who are able “to provide effective and compassionate professional practice and God-honoring leadership within the diverse communities they serve.” These commitments are consistent with the core educational values of community: life-long learning; ministry; integrity; pursuit of excellence and; leadership as defined within the University’s philosophy of education.  Similarly, equipping teachers with the “professional knowledge, skills and dispositions to enable them to provide effective and compassionate professional practice and God-honoring leadership within the diverse communities they serve” is part of the purpose of instilling in students the “desire to pursue truth as a life-long calling” as stated in the institution’s philosophy of education.

The School of Education’s Conceptual Framework defines the work of the unit as preparing “Compassionate Educators for Transformative Service” which is in alignment with the institutional mission and philosophy as described above.  The institutional mission is grounded in the historical understanding by Christians that all learning is centered in Christ. As stated in the Foundational Beliefs, “Believers are called to use their God-given rational abilities to understand, organize and use what God has revealed.” Therefore, the School of Education seeks to equip its students to study their chosen disciplines with rigor and to participate meaningfully in society through service that is grounded in faith- based character and theological foundations and characterized by just and ethical practice that is learner and community focused.

Compassion and transformation are key concepts in viewing the professional work of the teacher as consistent with a biblical worldview.  The School of Education desires to nurture in its students a deep understanding of God’s compassionate love for them as individuals and an understanding of how that compassionate love may be extended to the world around them through service to others. Foundational to the model is a shared understanding that individuals are capable of change and that in an educational setting, this occurs in two dimensions.  The act of service transforms both the learner and the teacher, the one who is served and the one serving.  The purpose of service is to extend compassion to learners with the expectation of positive growth and change.  However, it is equally true that teachers are in a continual reflective learning process of growth and change that re-informs their practice and their capability to affect change in their areas of service.  Therefore, the term “transformative service” is used to describe the type of service that will impact learners and communities in positive ways.