Academic Student ComplaintsComplaints
Student complaints may be of an academic nature including instructional methodology, grading,
testing, assignments, or the like. The following procedure is not for formal student complaints seeking resolution through academic appeals. Please refer to the Northwestern Student Handbook for appeal processes.
Academic Appeals: Grade change, Academic Integrity
Non-Academic Student ComplaintsComplaints
Student complaints may be of a non-academic nature including for example, complaints regarding SON services, IT support, facilities, policies, financial matters, or the like.
The following procedure is not for formal student complaints seeking resolution through non-academic nonacademic appeals, or for discrimination, harassment, or sexual misconduct issues. Please refer to the Northwestern Student Handbook for these complaints. (
Discrimination, Harassment, or Sexual Misconduct (Title IX).
Informal Student Complaint and Resolution ProceduresProcedures
The student should contact and discuss his/her concerns with the person(s) who is/are directly responsible, in order to resolve the issue. For academic issues, for example, contacting the faculty member for a full explanation of the grade given and the basis for making the grade, would be the first step in resolution.
If the complaint cannot be resolved to the satisfaction of the student, the student should contact the Director of Pre-Licensure BSN Program
The Director of the Pre-licensure BSN Program will consider the complaint and attempt to bring the issue to satisfactory resolution within 15 working days. For example, in an academic complaint, the
Director of the Pre-licensure BSN Program will notify the faculty member of the student complaint and its nature, and seek to mediate the dispute through the following steps:
Informal discussion of the facts of the case seeking resolution.
If the faculty
member’s stated policy for calculating the grade, as documented in the course syllabus, has not been followed,
the Director of the Pre-licensure BSN Program will insist that it be followed.
If the dispute is about a grade on a specific assignment or Competency-Based Assessment (CBA) (
exam), the
Director of the Pre-licensure BSN Program will request that the faculty member re-evaluate the assignment or CBA to investigate the grade given.
In certain situations,
the Director of the Pre-licensure Program may refer the complaint to the
Chief Nurse Administrator or to other University Administrators for the purposes of 1) consideration of the complaint, and 2) providing recommendations for resolution to
the Director of the Pre-licensure BSN Program
The Director of the Pre-licensure BSN Program will consider the recommendations by University Administration, make a decision, and notify the student in writing of the decision.
Written documentation regarding the resolution will be placed in the
student’s file and maintained for five (5) years past the
student’s last date of attendance.
Formal Student Complaint and Resolution Procedures: Institution of Appeals ProcessesProcesses
After following the steps as outlined above, if the student is not satisfied with the process, a formal appeals procedure may be initiated through the
University’s appeals procedures.
Written documentation regarding the resolution will be placed in the
student’s file and maintained for five (5) years past the
student’s last date of attendance.
Please refer to the following links for appeals procedures:
Academic Appeals:Grade change, Academic Integrity, etc.
Student Life Appeals: Student Appeal Process