14 School of Nursing Complaints Policy

14 School of Nursing Complaints Policy

The University of Northwestern - St. Paul and the School of Nursing are committed to providing a place of learning and working in which complaints are addressed fairly and resolved promptly. All complaints are taken seriously. The procedure for handling complaints encourages informal conciliation and resolution, while maintaining a confidential and respectful approach.  

This policy covers student complaints and individual or agency complaints outside the University. It does not cover complaints related to discrimination, harassment, or sexual misconduct. It does not cover formal complaints of academic or non-academic appeals. For these complaints, please refer to the Northwestern Student Handbook.  

Complaints about the SON, its students, its faculty, and/or its staff are considered a priority and are taken very seriously. All complaint procedures are handled using the following provisions:  


All information regarding complaints will be treated in a confidential manner and will only be available to the appropriate/involved individuals. Complete confidentiality cannot be guaranteed if effective measures are to be enacted. For example, if a complaint involves students, faculty, or staff, the complaint cannot be investigated if the reporting individual/agency does not wish the allegation be made known to the individual(s). Anonymous complaints will not be considered.  

Confidentiality of Student Information & the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)  

FERPA is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The School of Nursing under the University of Northwestern - St. Paul complies with the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.  

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)  

HIPAA protects from unauthorized disclosure of any protected health information (PHI) that pertains to clients (consumers of healthcare services). The School of Nursing under the University - St. Paul complies with the provisions of the Health Insurance Portal and Accountability Act.