Server: Ports: 27000, 1711, 64876 Server instructions: - MATLAB uses LMTOOLS Utility as its license manager
- Whenever a new version of MATLAB is released a new folder for the version number needs to be made in the location: Program Files>MATLAB
- Place the version install files inside and then get a new license file or update the existing one replacing all version instances.
- Point to the new license file from within the license manager
- Any time a new license file is obtained the follow two lines with corrected version MUST be placed at the top to avoid Firewall issues
SERVER DEPTENG03 005056824676 27000 DAEMON MLM "C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2019b\etc\win64\mlm.exe" port=1711 # BEGIN--------------BEGIN--------------BEGIN Client Instructions: - Download the matlab_R2019b_win64 from mathworks or the S Drive and run the installer
- Enter the File Installation Key: 25531-31528-64256-26989-34076
- Follow the installer until the license path is requested
- Open file explorer separate from the installer and navigate to the matlab R2019b folder (C: Program Files > Matlab > R2019b)
- create a notepad file enter:
SERVER 005056824676 27000 USE_SERVER - save as network.lic
- return to the installer
- Navigate to the same folder and select the license file you just created.
- Continue to click through the install process until finish.