Ports: 25734, 25735 Instructions: - Click on the download link at the bottom and download the SolidWorksSetup exe to your computer.
- Right click and open as a new tab so you still have access to these instructions
- Run the SolidWorksSetup as an administrator & Unzip the files
- Ignore the reboot warning. (Click OK).
Chose the Individual (on this computer) option. Enter the serial number: 9710 0089 8862 5891 6FGK YH79 - Follow the installer as prompted until the download and install button ask for a port@server
- use 25734@
Ui button |
color | purple |
icon | download |
title | SolidWorks Downloads |
url | https://unweagles.sharepoint.com/:u:/s/EngineeringDepartment/Eb0TPCtN3VNDqUcXLF4PWhQBie2X3LCUZP1Z6hutHrrYRQ?e=R3Wvuj |