License #: SES0025-60
License term: 3/30/2022 - 3/29/2023
Seats: 60
This software is an engineering modeling software. Learn More
Pay by PO to First Technologies
Payment type: Standing PO
Currently only Krista Bellefeuille and Carrie Francis have access to this section. To add access, edit restrictions for the child pages.
Server: serverIP.docx
Ports: 25734, 25735
SolidNetWork License Manager (SNL)
Current Version: ( - SW 2021
Needs to be updated before the client
- License file does not need to be modified or reloaded, it is permanent
- Install new version of SNL
- Run SolidWorksSetup.exe as Admin & Unzip
- Ignore the reboot message
- Select "Install server components"
- Upgrade SolidNetWork License Manger
- Follow Prompts
Ports: 25734, 25735
- Click on the download link at the bottom and download the SolidWorksSetup exe to your computer.
- Right click and open as a new tab so you still have access to these instructions
- Run the SolidWorksSetup as an administrator & Unzip the files
- Ignore the reboot warning. (Click OK).
Chose the Individual (on this computer) option.
- Ensure the CAM Toolbox option is selected during install
Enter the serial number: (click purple SolidWorks downloads button below to find this)
- Follow the installer as prompted until the download and install button ask for a port@server
- use 25734@serverIP.docx
Installation: Installed in RS108 simulation lab, classroom computer in RS101, installed on student laptops that meet hardware requirements (
Usually 5 mini-updates per year
Education releases in June (always one year behind commercial). E.g. SW 2020 was released in June of 2020.
Should be updated with/after Ansys (usually during the summer) (Ansys runs simulations using Solidworks models, need to maintain version compatibility)
Intro to Engineering
CAD to support any course