


License #: SES0025-60

License term: 3/30/2022 - 3/29/2023

Seats: 60

This software is an engineering modeling software. Learn More

Company Liaison

Mike Hosmer



Renewal Process

Pay by PO to First Technologies


Payment Process

Payment type: Standing PO

Restricted Information

Currently only Krista Bellefeuille and Carrie Francis have access to this section. To add access, edit restrictions for the child pages.

Server Installation

Server: serverIP.docx

Ports: 25734, 25735

SolidNetWork License Manager (SNL)

Current Version: ( - SW 2021

Needs to be updated before the client


  1. License file does not need to be modified or reloaded, it is permanent
  2. Install new version of SNL
    1. Run SolidWorksSetup.exe as Admin & Unzip
    2. Ignore the reboot message
    3. Select "Install server components"
      1. Upgrade SolidNetWork License Manger
      2. Follow Prompts
Client Installation

Ports: 25734, 25735


  1. Click on the download link at the bottom and download the SolidWorksSetup exe to your computer.
    1. Right click and open as a new tab so you still have access to these instructions
  2. Run the SolidWorksSetup as an administrator & Unzip the files
  3. Ignore the reboot warning. (Click OK).
  4. Chose the Individual (on this computer) option.

  5. Ensure the CAM Toolbox option is selected during install
  6. Enter the serial number: (click purple SolidWorks downloads button below to find this)

  7. Follow the installer as prompted until the download and install button ask for a port@server
    1. use 25734@serverIP.docx

  SolidWorks Downloads

Installation: Installed in RS108 simulation lab, classroom computer in RS101, installed on student laptops that meet hardware requirements (https://www.solidworks.com/support/system-requirements)

Update Process

Usually 5 mini-updates per year
Education releases in June (always one year behind commercial). E.g. SW 2020 was released in June of 2020.
Should be updated with/after Ansys (usually during the summer) (Ansys runs simulations using Solidworks models, need to maintain version compatibility)


Intro to Engineering

CAD to support any course


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