Welcome to the home page for Adjunct Training at Northwestern

To begin, click on the following link to hear from Dr. Janet Sommers, our Provost | Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs. You will then have an opportunity to learn about several elements foundational to teaching at Northwestern. At the end of this first module, you will be required to submit a brief essay response. 

Adjunct Onboarding Orientation

After completing the previous overview module, you should take time to review the information below which will help you get started well. Northwestern has three different venues: Adult & Graduate Studies (A&GS) which offers accelerated courses for adult undergraduate and graduate students, Dual Enrollment (DE) which provides semester-length online courses primarily for dual enrolled/PSEO students, and the Traditional undergraduate day school (TRAD), which caters to undergraduate students in the traditional, face-to-face format. While you may be teaching for one or more venues, please find the resources that align best with the venue for which you were hired. Feel free to come back at any time to access and use this information.

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