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Determination of Student Clinical Performance

“E” “S” “N” “U” or “NA” 

“E” Excellent: Exceeds expected level of requirements related to thoroughness, initiative for learning, and demonstrating depth of accurate insight. 

“S” Satisfactory: Expected level of safety to meet course outcomes; safe, accurate, effective each time; efficient, generally organized, punctual, and confident; completes tasks in a given time period; written work clear, specific, relevant, and with appropriate breadth and depth; professional in own attitude and in response to others; follows written and verbal guidelines; clear, positive, and effective communication/documentation; well prepared for clinical ; asks relevant, insightful questions; and responds positively to feedback. Meets standard. 

“N” Needs Improvement: Not completely satisfactory or unsatisfactory; not acceptable for final clinical evaluation. 

“U” Unsatisfactory: Frequent or constant supervision needed to assure safety; performs at risk, not always accurate, lacks confidence; unskilled, inefficient, unorganized, or ineffective; considerable expenditure of energy; completes tasks within a prolonged period of time; judgmental with clients, staff, and/or faculty; unable/unwilling to demonstrate procedure/behavior; written work late, unclear, incomplete, inappropriate, unacceptable, and/or unsafe; unprofessional attitude and/or response to others; ineffective, negative in communication/documentation; does not follow written and/or verbal guidelines; not prepared or late for clinical; does not ask questions or engage in discussion; does not adhere or follow through with feedback. Not meeting standard.

“NA” Not Applicable: Not appropriate for this clinical setting or not an expectation of the student at this time. 

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