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10.11 Examination Policies

The following standards and procedures will apply for all course Competency-Based Assessments (CBAs) (exams) and ATI proctored assessments. Any violations will be subject to the Academic Integrity Policies in the School of Nursing (Sec. 8.2). 

  • For quizzes and competency-based assessments deemed closed book testing, students may not use notes, textbooks, videos, other materials, or another person’s assistance in completing quizzes or competency based assessments (CBAs).
  • NUR CBAs and ATI assessments will be scheduled outside scheduled course times. 
  • Students are to arrive on time, prepared to take the exam at the starting time. Bring pencils and calculators (if needed). They will not be provided. 
  • Only simple calculators may be used during examinations. No other electronic equipment (e.g. cell phones, pagers, digital watches, graphic or scientific calculators) may be used. 
  • Only scratch paper provided by the instructor will be allowed, and must be submitted along with test booklet.
  • Personal belongings are to be put away and secured in a place out of sight and inaccessible. 
  • Hats, visors and hoods are not allowed to be worn during testing times.
  • No food or drink (including water) is allowed when testing. 
  • All cell phones, pagers and other alarms are to be turned off. 
  • Once the exam has started, students are not able to leave the testing area (e.g., going to the bathroom, getting a drink of water, etc.). They will not be allowed to return and finish remaining questions.
  • Faculty or appointed staff proctoring an exam will remain focused on the students at all times. 
  • When students finish their non-virtual CBA early, students are expected to leave the classroom quietly and leave the first floor until class resumes.
  • Following the testing period, students should not congregate in any manner discussing questions and answers in any format. 
  • When faculty member(s) determine through careful exam analysis that an exam item (question) be “nullified”, credit for all answers will be honored for each student. 
  • Faculty approval is required for any expected or unexpected absence during a scheduled CBA.  Pending faculty approval, missed CBAs must be taken within 48 hours. Unexcused absences from an exam will result in a 10% deduction on the exam grade.
  • Students requiring testing for non-virtual CBAs in the Writing Center are required to complete their CBA on the same day as the CBA is scheduled within the syllabus.  Students should immediately contact faculty if scheduling conflicts arise.

Proctorio for Quizzes and CBAs

UNW, the School of Nursing, and Proctorio have partnered to provide a safe and secure online testing environment. This course will be using Proctorio for quizzes and CBAs. Proctorio is a remote proctoring service software that works with your web browser to confirm student identity and monitor students taking quizzes/CBAs. In order to use Proctorio, you must have a basic webcam or built-in camera with microphone enabled on your laptop or desktop computer. You must also have the Chrome browser on your computer and install the Proctorio Chrome extension. Once you have enabled the Proctorio extension, you will need to go into the settings on your pop-up blocker and change it to allow for all sites. You will also need to put your other devices in airplane mode or disable the sync between devices, so you don’t have pop-up notifications while you take the test. If you need to use a hot-spot for an internet connection, make sure that it is a secure password-protected connection. A step-by-step guide is posted on Moodle. Make sure to check the Proctorio Minimum System Requirements to ensure Proctorio will work on your computer, which can be found at You will be required to verify your environment, webcam and microphone before beginning any quiz or CBA.

During your quiz or CBA, you will access the exam through your course in Moodle. When you start your proctored exam, you will be prompted to perform certain tasks based on the settings your instructor has selected for the CBA. Your CBA attempt will be recorded and reviewed by your instructor for academic integrity. Be sure to follow all exam guidelines provided by your instructor and the Proctorio prompts to ensure your exam attempt is acceptable. Similar to in-class testing, the policies outlined in the Nursing Student Handbook apply to CBAs taken using Proctorio. You may use a sheet of blank scratch paper, but you must show both sides of the paper before and after your CBA so it is included in the recording. You must use the online calculator provided through the CBA. If you need technical support, please email or engage in a live chat with a Proctorio agent at If you are prompted for an access code or password, this means you are not using Chrome and/or your Proctorio Chrome extension is not properly enabled. If you encounter any difficulties during the CBA, notify your faculty immediately as instructed.

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