Archived Printing qdvt
Archived Printing qdvt
Printing on Campus
The University of Northwestern provides multiple printers around campus for students to print; most printers can print in Color or Black & White and Duplex (two-sided).
Each student is allocated $30.00 worth of prints each semester. Costs are $0.05 for Black and White, $.0.15 for Color prints.
Available Printers:
- AKE-Lobby: Akenson Hall Lobby (Color/B&W)
- CLC-PrintCenter: Billy Graham CLC located near Print Center (Color/B&W)
- BRC-Blue: Berntsen Resource Center Main Floor (Color/B&W)
- BRC-Yellow: Berntsen Resource Center Main Floor (B&W Only)
- Engineering-26: Engineering Lab in Naz 1st floor (Color/B&W)
- Engineering-187: Engineering Lab in RSN (Color/B&W)
- MJ-Lobby: Mel Johnson 1st floor lobby (B&W Only)
- Moyer-181: Moyer Hall First stairwell. (B&W Only)
- NAZ-TechZone-4thFloor: Staff Copy Center N4114 near Career Development
- PittmanNorth-19: Pitman North Basement. (B&W Only)
- RIL-ComputerLabs: Riley Computer Labs (Color/B&W)
- RSC-StudentCenter: Robertson Student Center Front Desk (Color/B&W)