I am thankful for the many faculty and academic staff who have volunteered to participate on a team related to one of our three themes (Grow, Discover, Declare) as part of the strategic planning process. Each of these teams will be working for the next six weeks to identify and create several recommendations for the Strategic Planning Team and Dr. Cureton.
Budget update can go here...
Study Rooms for Students
This spring, we are continuing to offer courses in a variety of modalies. The vast majority of classes are still conducted face to face (F2F), however, we still have a sizable percent of hybrid and virtual classes. While students are participating in hybrid or virtual classes they may need to find a temporary space to participate via Zoom. To help support students in need of temporary space, a set of study rooms have been identified and reserved for the spring semester. A list of these rooms has been posted to the COVID-19 portlet of the Student Home tab on theROCK. Please ensure that your students know about these spaces, especially if you are teaching a hybrid of virtual class.