Quizzes and Tests

Quizzes and Tests


This solution will work for both synchronous and asynchronous scenarios.

Students can take quizzes and tests in Moodle.

  1. See /wiki/spaces/IKB/pages/80281816 for assistance. Other resources and strategies are available in the links to the right.
  2. Add necessary instructions, time limit, expectations, and grading criteria to the description of the quiz activity.
  3. Consider enabling a due date so students can clearly see upcoming deadlines on the course site calendar.
  4. It is possible to import questions from Word documents that are formatted a certain way. Contact the Online Learning Office for assistance.
  5. Short, low-stakes quizzes are preferable to longer, high-stakes quizzes.

Tips for using quizzes as learning activities

Quizzes can work well as practice activities by using some or all of the following settings. These ideas work especially well for concept/terminology mastery:

  • Allow multiple or unlimited attempts (to encourage and incentivize practice and mastery)
  • Enable short time limits (to encourage mastery)
  • Allow students to check question answers during the quiz (with or without a grade penalty for incorrect question attempts)
  • Randomize and shuffle questions for each attempt from a larger bank of questions (so students can't simply memorize the quiz through trial and error)
  • Include review questions from previous quizzes

For assistance or advice with any of these ideas, contact the Online Learning Office for assistance.

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