What are the store hours?
- Monday-Thursday 9am-5pm
- Friday 9am-4pm
- Saturday 11am-2pm
*Closed during holidays and school breaks, including fall, spring, and summer breaks. We are available online and by appointment during most breaks.
How do I reach the Campus Store online?
How do I order something online?
- Go to campusstore.unwsp.edu
- Click on “Textbooks” and then “Buy Textbooks”
- Select your term
- Select your department, course, and section (ie. BIB-Bible, 1002, Section 01)
- Click on “Add Course to List”
- Continue for each course and click “Get Your Books”
- Select which books you want to purchase, if you want new, used, rental, etc., change the quantity to 1, and click “Purchase” and then “Checkout”
- Log in or click on “Create an Account” and fill in required information
- Choose your shipping method or if you want to pick them up in the store
- Choose payment method: credit card or student account, must be your 8-digit ID, add leading zeros to make your ID 8-digits long (ie. 00123456)
- Once your order is submitted you will receive an email with your order number and confirmation. See that email for additional details.
- We recommend waiting to order your books until the middle of July or last week of December as some books may change and we won’t have many of the books in stock until that point. At that time you will also be able to see what books can be rented and what books we have used copies available in.