Sponsored Event Policy

Sponsored Event Policy

Definition of a Sponsored Event

A sponsored event is a meeting, activity, or event that is hosted by a University of Northwestern—St. Paul department or by Northwestern Media, but under the auspices of an outside person or organization and primarily attended by people other than Northwestern students, faculty, or staff.

Purpose of the Policy

The purpose of the Sponsorship Policy is to aid the University of Northwestern-St. Paul and Northwestern Media in optimizing the use of available resources (facility, financial, and human resources) to strategically and intentionally fulfill its mission.


In order for any sponsored event to take place on the Northwestern campus the following criteria must be met:

1.  The event must relate to the mission of the sponsoring department and provide a benefit to
     Northwestern in carrying out its mission.

2.  A completed Sponsorship Application must be submitted to and approved by the Vice President over
     the sponsoring department.

3.  A Northwestern representative must be present at any sponsored event. This person must be a
     Northwestern employee from the sponsoring department and will be responsible to handle
     facility, behavioral, or emergency situations in a manner appropriate with Northwestern practices.
     The representative will name an agent (another Notherwestern employee) to fill this role on his/her
     behalf should they need to leave the event for any reason.

4.  The event must be scheduled after the Campus Calendar is approved for the particular school year
     and must not conflict with any University functions.

5.  Any hard costs or costs incurred by college services in hosting and supporting the event will be
     covered by either the sponsoring department or the sponsored group.
     (i.e. rental equipment, food,signage, etc. It is preferred that costs such as custodial labor are
     covered by the sponsored group through a discounted rental fee process. However, this portion can
     be waived per VicePresidential approval. It is also preferred that technical labor cost be
     covered by the sponsored group. Again, this portion can be waived per Vice Presidential approval.

6.   Event attendees must comply with Northwestern guest rules.

7.  Any information or publicity that includes the University of Northwestern-St.Paul name or
     Northwestern Media name, even an alocation for the event, must be submitted to Event Services and
     approved by the Marketing and Communications Office.

8.  Each office of approval will assign a priority level to any approved sponsored event.

9.  Sponsorship Applications should be submitted to the Director of Event Services upon approval
     by the Vice President of the sponsoring department.

10.  Any applicable cost estimate will be provided upon receipt of the Sponsorship Application.

11.  A confirmation of the scheduled event will be sent to the event sponsor and
       approver upon completion of the process.



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