Manage Artists - Zetta

Manage Artists - Zetta

When it is necessary to modify Artist names (capitalization, style formatting, etc) the easiest way is from the Song Metadata window in Zetta. The “Artist” field in Zetta is a lookup table, which means if you edit “FOR KING & COUNTRY” to be 'For King And Country”, all Songs that were assigned “FOR KING & COUNTRY” will now display “For King And Country” and there is no need to modify each song individually.

Modify a Single Artist

  1. Double-click on a song by the Artist you need to update. This will open the Song Metadata window.

  2. Right-click on the Artist, and choose “Edit.”

  3. Correct the Artist name as desired, and click the “Save” icon.

    artist edit2-20240212-214645.png


Modify Multiple Artists

  1. Double-click any Song, this will open the Song Metadata window.

  2. Right-click on the Artist, and choose “Manage Names.”

  3. Search for the Artist name you want to modify.

  4. Double-click on the name to edit. Make your edits.


  5. Repeat steps 3+4 for all the Artist names you need to modify.

  6. When you are finished, click the “Save” icon.

What if I run into “Duplicate” Artist names?

Zetta Artists are case-sensitive, so it’s possible you have slight variations of the same Artist and in the process of making corrections will receive an error, “… already exisits.” If this happens, you just need to assign the Song to the “correct” Artist.

  1. From the Zetta Song Metadata window, click in the Artist field, delete the current Artist then start typing the correctly formatted Artist you wish to assign. Once it pops up in the search, you can click to assign.

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